A Basic Guide on Caring for Pet Rabbits A to Z
More people are keeping rabbits as indoor pets. However, many people choose to get new pet rabbits without first learning how to properly care for them, and as a result, they end up with a variety of health problems that could have been avoided. Here are all the details you need to be aware of if you wish to adopt a new pet bunny.

How to choose a rabbit
Rabbits can be a great addition to your family. They are loving, intelligent, and they can be great pets. However, rabbits require a lot of attention and care. It is important to make sure that you are prepared before you bring a rabbit into your home. There are a few things that you should consider when choosing a rabbit. The first is the breed. There are over 100 different kinds of rabbits, so it is important to choose a breed that is right for you and your family. There are some breeds that are more suited to children, while other breeds are better for adults. There are also different breeds for different purposes, such as for show or for pets. The next thing to consider is the age of the rabbit. A rabbit that is too old can also be more difficult to train. Lastly, you should consider the size of the rabbit.
Safe food for rabbits
Rabbits consume plants because they are herbivores. They are designed to eat a food that is mostly composed of enormous amounts of grass and leaves, along with occasional flowers and fruits. The most crucial component of a rabbit’s diet is GRASS HAY. Timothy hay, meadow, oat, rye, barley, and Bermuda grasses are a few types of grass hay. Grass hay should always be accessible to rabbits. It is high in vitamins, minerals, and proteins, which promotes good GI motility, proper tooth wear from chewing, and a reduction in the incorrect chewing of other items. Additionally, grass hay aids in giving the rabbit a sensation of fullness to stop overeating and obesity. It is suitable for all ages. Feeding a variety of two or more different kinds of grass hay is advised. Additionally, sun-dried hay maintains more of its nutrients than hay that has been industrially dried, making it preferable for feeding.
Alfalfa and clover hay are examples of a different kind of hay that is accessible. Legume hays shouldn’t be used since they contain more calories, calcium, and protein than a typical pet rabbit needs and might induce gastrointestinal problems and obesity. Even mixing grass hay and legume hay is not advised since the rabbit can select only the legume hay and consume too many calories. Straw is nutrient-free and should not be fed to animals since doing so would result in serious nutritional deficits.
List of safe grasses for rabbits

GREEN FOODS are a vital component of a bunny’s diet. Dandelion greens, collard greens, kale, romaine lettuce, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, celery, and parsley are examples of green foods. The nutritional advantages of green vegetables are same to those of hay, but they include a wider variety of nutrients and also provide water to the diet. Because rabbits don’t usually drink as much as they should, this is crucial. It is typical for bunnies to drink less water if they are given a lot of greens to eat. Green vegetables are excellent for the digestive system, kidneys, and bladder. Since green vegetables don’t have enough calories to maintain a rabbit’s regular body weight, they shouldn’t make up the majority of the diet. For all stages of rabbit development, green meals are suitable. If at all feasible, buy organic produce or cultivate your own, and always wash your greens first. At least three different types of greens should be fed each day. As rewards, you must also provide FRUITS AND VEGETABLES to your rabbit’s everyday diet. They can also be given out as incentives during training. Compared to commercial rabbit treats, which should be avoided since the majority are heavy in carbohydrate and fat and can have substantial negative effects on health, fruits and vegetables are more healthier and cheaper. Apples, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, carrots, green or red bell peppers, mango, peach, pineapple, and squash are a few examples of natural goodies you may feed your rabbit. Dried fruits may also be fed, but you should only give them a third of the usual quantity because they are so concentrated. Bananas and grapes should not be consumed since rabbits may get dependent on them and refuse to eat anything else.
A rabbit’s diet should only contain a tiny amount of commercial pellets. Because pellets don’t give animals the same sense of fullness as eating hay does, it is simple to overfeed them, and the high calorie content of pellets can result in obesity. Additionally, pellets don’t encourage proper tooth abrasion, and the absence of chewing might cause behavioral issues. Urinary tract illness might also be brought on by a lack of water content. Only 10% of a rabbit’s diet should ideally consist of commercial pellets.

High starch and fatty foods, such as beans, bread, cereals, chocolate, maize, almonds, oats, peas, refined sugar, seeds, wheat, or any other grains, should be absolutely avoided while feeding rabbits. Additionally, it is unnecessary to provide healthy rabbits vitamins or other dietary supplements because, when fed appropriately, they will naturally take these things. Misuse of these supplements might result in serious health problems.
Your rabbit should always have access to fresh water, which should be replaced regularly. Bacteria may flourish in a filthy water container. To prevent the cage from toppling, use a heavy dish or a water bottle fastened to the side of the cage.
It should be possible for a rabbit to stand on its hind legs without bumping against the top of the cage, provide room for a litter box and a resting place, be simple to clean, and be constructed of metal or similar unbreakable material. The location of cages should be cool and well-ventilated. The basement is not a good spot for your rabbit’s cage since it is typically too wet and might lead to respiratory illnesses. The rabbit may get deadly heat stroke if the environment is excessively hot.
Although it’s not ideal, cages for bunnies can be placed outside. If they are going to be outside, they will need protection from the rain and the chilly weather. They should be safe from raccoons, coyotes, and other predators like dogs. To prevent parasitic insects from attracting, the cage should be kept tidy. Straw bedding can provide as insulation throughout the winter. Daily replacement of the water dish is advisable, especially during the winter when it may freeze.
Never leave a pet rabbit caged up all the time. They require regular exercise to maintain their health and to ward against behavioral or physical issues. Every day for at least a few hours, rabbits should be released into a bigger EXERCISE AREA to run, leap, and move about. If you don’t want to offer your rabbit unrestricted access to your home, you may either purchase or create an enclosure for it using exercise fence panels for dogs, which are available at most pet stores. The pen has to stand at least three feet tall. This will prevent the rabbit from consuming harmful household goods, furniture, or electrical cords. To provide the rabbit access to green places, you may also put a pen outside, but you should never leave it alone.
If you do let the bunny go around the home, you should first make the space rabbit-proof. Cover or barricade any electrical cords, and block all exits from the house. To shield your furniture from teeth or claws, you may also cover it. Take away from your rabbit’s reach any poisonous herbs, rodenticides, pesticides, or other poisons.
Rabbits are incredibly simple to LITTER BOX train. Place a litter box in a corner, preferably where the rabbit has already decided to relieve itself, and confine the rabbit to a restricted space. The sides should be low enough to allow the rabbit to enter and exit easily. To entice the rabbit to use the litter box, you might add some droppings and hay to it. Rabbits frequently pass feces after meals. There need to be one more litter box available than there are rabbits living in the house.
Pelletized litter is the ideal bedding to use in the litter box. It is non-toxic and easily digested when consumed. Additionally, it absorbs moisture from the surface, keeping it dry and effectively reducing odor. Use of clay or clumping cat litter should be avoided since doing so might result in an intestinal obstruction that could be deadly to the rabbit.
Additionally, rabbits require a RESTING/HIDING AREA in their surroundings. While some rabbits can hide in a box filled with hay, others prefer an enclosed space. Use a litter pan, untreated wicker or straw basket, a cardboard box with the bottom removed, or a cardboard box with an entry hole. They should be given a sturdy space to relax in with washable or disposable material if the cage has a wire floor. Use carpet squares sparingly since they are not absorbent, are harsh on the baby’s delicate feet, and cannot be washed. They are the main source of blockage in rabbits and are also readily consumable.
Last but not least, they should have a ton of toys available to them for both mental and dental stimulation. Dry branches from untreated trees, wooden bird chew toys, unfinished, unpainted wicker or straw baskets, and dry branches from untreated trees are excellent chew toys for rabbits. Additionally, they enjoy moving objects like balls packed with air, little empty cardboard containers, and heaps of shredded paper or toilet paper rolls. To stimulate foraging behavior, you can bury food in their toys.
It’s crucial to hold the hind end at all times since your rabbit’s backbone is delicate and can quickly break if it kicks hard. It is uncomfortable for bunnies to be picked up by the ears, and it is never required. It is preferable to scoop the rabbit up beneath the chest while grabbing the loose skin over the shoulders. Then, pull the back legs off the ground by putting the other hand underneath them. It’s best to practice handling a rabbit near to the ground while initially learning how to do it so that if it jumps out of your arms, you won’t take a severe fall.
How to care for a rabbit
Rabbits are very social animals and can be very hard to care for. However, they are also very loving and can make a great companion for many people. If you are new to owning a rabbit, you should learn about their needs and become familiar with their behavior before bringing one home. Once you know what to expect, you will be able to care for your rabbit and make sure that they are healthy and happy. Here are some things to keep in mind if you want to raise a healthy and happy rabbit. – Rabbits need to be kept in a cage or a hutch, unless they are given a lot of attention. – Rabbits need regular access to hay, fresh water, and a dust bath. – Rabbits need to be kept in a warm environment, but they should not be kept in a warm room. – Rabbits should be provided with a litter box and fresh, clean bedding. – Rabbits should be given plenty of toys to play with. – Rabbits should be fed a variety of fresh food, including vegetables and fruit. – Rabbits should be kept in a clean environment, so they don’t get sick and dirty

What is the body system of a Rabbit: Anatomical Systems and a Complete Guide to the Rabbit Body.
1. Introduction to the rabbit body
2. The five senses
3. The five major parts of the rabbit body
4. The major parts of the gastrointestinal system
The same principles apply to your pet rabbit as they do to your cat or dog when deciding whether to spay or neuter them. The ideal time to neuter/spay a rabbit is between the ages of four and six months, which is just before they become sexually mature. Prior to being put under anesthesia, a rabbit should always be evaluated by a veterinarian to make sure it is in good enough condition.
Spaying involves the surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries, and it is particularly crucial because it prevents UTERINE ADENOCARCINOMA, a highly prevalent malignant cancer in rabbits that affects around 80% of unspayed females over the age of two. Once it has spread to other organs, this cancer is incurable and spreads quickly. In order to avoid a PREGNANCY from happening in a home with males and females living together, spaying is also essential. You should also avoid pyometra (a condition in which the uterus becomes infected and filled with pus), uterine aneurysms, and endometritis (inflamed uterine lining).
Male rabbits seldom develop common reproductive disorders, although there are a few possible problems that might arise, such as testicular abscesses from bites, hematomas, and testicular cancer. Around 8 to 18 months of age, male rabbits also start to show signs of aggression and might start spraying to demarcate their territory. By having your rabbit neutered, which entails surgically removing the testicles, you may avoid all of these problems. Only if the neutering takes place before or soon after the aggressive behavior starts will it be possible to regulate it.
Rabbit Common Diseases
Rabbits are susceptible to a number of common diseases. Some of these diseases can be fatal if not treated promptly and properly. It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of these diseases so that you can seek treatment for your rabbit as soon as possible.
One of the most common rabbit diseases is myxomatosis. This disease is caused by a virus and is characterised by swelling around the head, eyes, and genitals. Myxomatosis is usually fatal, but there are some strains of the virus that are less deadly. Treatment for this disease typically involves euthanasia.
Another common disease that affects rabbits is enteritis. This disease is characterised by inflammation of the intestines and can cause severe diarrhoea. Enteritis can be caused by a number of different things, including viruses, bacteria, or parasites. Treatment for this disease will depend on the underlying cause but may involve antibiotics or other medications.
Rabbits can also suffer from hairballs (trichobezoars). These are balls of hair that build up in the stomach and can cause blockages. Hairballs typically occur when a rabbit grooms itself excessively or does not have enough fibre in its diet. Treatment for this condition usually involves giving the rabbit medication to help dissolve the hairball or surgery to remove it if it is too large to dissolve on its own.
Finally, rabbits can also get mites (cheyletiellosis). These tiny parasites live on the skin and cause intense itching. Mites can be difficult to eradicate completely but there are a number of treatments available to help control them
Rabbits are great pets. They are cute, funny, and they love cuddles. But like any other pet, rabbits need to be taken care of and that is where you come in. Here are a few tips to help you raise a healthy rabbit and a happy rabbit. -Rabbits need a lot of time and attention. They need to be taken out for walks and allowed time to play. This will help them stay happy and healthy. -Rabbits should also be taken to the vet regularly for check-ups and to make sure that they are healthy. -Rabbits also need to have the opportunity to exercise. They should have toys to play with and have the ability to run around. -Rabbits should also have time to rest. They should be allowed to sleep in a quiet spot without being disturbed. ((This article is a work in progress and under revision.))
Rabbit welfare society of Bangladesh (RWSB)
Facebook Public group :- https://www.facebook.com/groups/rwsbd
Facebook page :- https://www.facebook.com/rwsbangladesh
Cat welfare society of Bangladesh (CWSB)
Facebook Public group :- https://www.facebook.com/groups/cwsbd
Facebook page :- https://www.facebook.com/Cat-Welfare-Society-Of-Bangladesh-106190155175499